How we create stories for Permfaces project website

A whole team is working to add hero's story to the website.

First, project coordinators ask hero about an interview, agree on time and place. It is extremely important that interview location reflects hero's occupation or his point of view, that it assists his story. Then we look for short information about the hero, in order to make future talk as lively and interesting as possible. When project team's correspondent, so called «stories collector», is ready for the meeting, he conducts the interview, which is recorded. Sometimes we use professional microphone to make the quality of the sound better. Afterwards we turn audio into written text, and written text — into hero's monologue. We use only direct speech. At this point editor and proofreader start doing their jobs, cleaning the text up. Here comes the translator and creates English version of the story. Project coordinators choose photographs from the set made during the interview.

Our story is ready to be published on the website!